Car and Bicycle Accident Statistics

About two percent of motor vehicle accidents per year involve bicyclists. In 2014, 720 bicycle riders were killed in crashes involving vehicles.

Older people have become more involved in fitness, and persons 20 and older are 86 percent of the fatalities, tripling the numbers from 1975. In 2014, 551 males to 68 females over the age of 20 were killed. Of those deceased, only 17 percent were wearing helmets. If you were injured as a result of a motor vehicle crash with a bicycle in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, please contact a Rhode Island bicycle accident attorney.

Fault in Rhode Island bicycle accident

In view of these statistics, who is more likely to be at fault or have a legal case in a car-bike collision? The Federal Highway Administration admits that they don’t know. “Fault is difficult to determine,” replied a spokesperson for the administration. Cars seem the more likely culprit, because they are big and powerful compared to bikes. But what are the possibilities of legal claims for bikers or drivers?

Rear end crashes

Cars striking bikes from behind seem the most common bike accident. Even traveling at a very slow speed, a car hitting the back of a bicycle can send the rider face-first into the pavement.  Who’s at fault? Again, a good legal inspection is imperative, as there are many variables besides carelessness determining why a vehicle might strike a bicycle from behind. In nearly every situation in Rhode Island, a car motorist striking a cyclist is at fault for the crash.

Intersection accidents

Forty five percent of bike/vehicle accidents take place in intersections. Drivers need to take that second look to make sure intersections are not just cleared of cars, but of smaller vehicles like bikes. Bike riders need to maximize their visibility and realize the hazards of biking through a busy intersection.
The basic laws of liability require all to follow the rules of the road. Whoever is at fault for disobeying traffic laws will most likely be found liable. Even though a cyclist will sustain more damage than a car, not following the rules of the road will find the cyclist liable.

Unmarked intersection

Upon approaching an unmarked intersection, the vehicle arriving first, and bikes are legally considered vehicles, has the right-of-way. Upon arrival at the same time, the vehicle on the right has the right-of-way. If a car hits a bicycle because of failing to yield the right-of-way to the cyclist, the driver is at fault.

Intersection with one stop sign

If the bicycle rider is riding in a street with no stop sign and a car approaches from a street that does have a stop sign, the car motorist woukd be liable for any bicycle accident. Whether poor visibility or absent-mindedness, the accident will be attributed to the driver. However, if the cyclist was riding against traffic, (60 percent of the time) both of the drivers may be found at fault.

Bike and car accidents don’t often end well. No matter who is at fault, the bike rider is often severely injured and the vehicle driver traumatized.

If you have been involved in a car-bike accident, you are no doubt struggling with medical bills and insurance claims. Taking the proper steps to handle your case and possible compensation is vital to your future. If you were injured in a bicycle accident in Rhode Island  then contact a RI bicycle accident lawyer / Rhode island personal injury attorney at our firm to get the justice you deserve

Car Accident Statistics:

  1. Global Perspective:
    • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic injuries were the leading cause of death for people aged 5-29 years in 2016.
    • Low- and middle-income countries had higher rates of road traffic deaths compared to high-income countries.
  2. United States:
    • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2019, there were 36,096 fatalities in motor vehicle crashes in the United States.
    • Factors contributing to accidents include speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, and failure to wear seat belts.

Bicycle Accident Statistics:

  1. United States:
    • According to the NHTSA, 857 bicyclists died in traffic crashes in 2018.
    • The majority of fatal bicycle accidents occurred in urban areas and at non-intersection locations.
    • Alcohol impairment was involved in a significant portion of these accidents, both for cyclists and motor vehicle drivers.
  2. Europe:
    • The European Transport Safety Council reported that cycling accounted for a relatively high proportion of road deaths in some European countries.
    • Initiatives promoting helmet use, infrastructure improvements, and better cycling education were identified as strategies to improve bicycle safety.

General Trends and Concerns:

  1. Distracted Driving:
    • The use of mobile phones and other electronic devices while driving remains a significant concern for road safety.
  2. Vulnerable Road Users:
    • Bicyclists and pedestrians are often considered vulnerable road users, facing higher risks of injury in collisions with motor vehicles.
  3. Safety Measures:
    • Initiatives such as improved infrastructure (bike lanes, crosswalks), public awareness campaigns, and stricter enforcement of traffic laws aim to enhance road safety.

For the most current and region-specific information, it’s recommended to consult official reports from transportation agencies, such as the NHTSA in the United States or similar authorities in other countries.

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